"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...." echoed through my mind throughout last night as I was up and down caring for Tucker. When I awaken in the night, it usually takes me quite awhile to go back to sleep. Thankfully, I can use this time to think and pray. As I was pondering Psalm 23, and especially this phrase of the psalm, I was reminded of my conversation with Mr. A earlier in the day. I realized how easy it is to take things for granted. Like the expectation that at the end of a day I'll crawl into bed and lie next to my husband and listen to him go to sleep (because he's a "lights-out, lights out" kinda guy and falls asleep much more quickly than I do). Even as I lay near him on the couch last night and listened to him fall asleep after we'd been up, I knew I had taken so many things about him for granted. When we got him home yesterday, he was still so doped up on pain medication and muscle relaxers that he barely smiled and while he wasn't rude, he lacked the kindness and thoughtful nature that I had apparently taken for granted. (Thankfully, we are trying life without the muscle relaxer after the advice of a good friend and nurse and he is much more like himself today!)
So, if the Lord is my shepherd and I shouldn't want for anything, I was struggling to reconcile that concept with not taking things for granted.
Taking things for granted in my mind is expecting that things will be there. Contentment also is wrapped up in something akin to it while I expect that God will provide everything I need. I suppose it comes down to my expectations vs gratefulness. I married Tucker because I knew that he was gentle and kind and loving. He's had a few bad days over the years (twenty-two this past weekend!) but it has been his general personality and typical behavior. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to be thankful to the Lord and to Tucker for treating me kindly and gently. I came to expect it. I've also come to expect great things of God--because He is always doing great things and He's perfectly doing those things in my life and around me. (Seen a sunset lately or a newborn filly? Or have you experienced peace and joy when it makes absolutely zero sense?) Indeed, I can expect these sorts of blessings from an awesome Creator Who has saved me and I can be content with all that He has blessed me with, but I should never cease to praise and thank Him for what He has given me. Neither should I cease thanking God for my husband. For sparing his life on Thursday when he fell. For walking with him through the surgery and hospital stay and for walking with us into this battle called recovery and rehabilitation and change. I'm also working on demonstrating and expressing my thankfulness to my dear husband even today.
Let us be content today in what the Lord gives us--be it the blessing of trial or the blessing of excitement and fun. And let us thank Him continually for all of it.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV
Here is the song the Lord put in my heart and mind last night!
(All Scripture quoted from the English Standard Version)
So, if the Lord is my shepherd and I shouldn't want for anything, I was struggling to reconcile that concept with not taking things for granted.
Taking things for granted in my mind is expecting that things will be there. Contentment also is wrapped up in something akin to it while I expect that God will provide everything I need. I suppose it comes down to my expectations vs gratefulness. I married Tucker because I knew that he was gentle and kind and loving. He's had a few bad days over the years (twenty-two this past weekend!) but it has been his general personality and typical behavior. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to be thankful to the Lord and to Tucker for treating me kindly and gently. I came to expect it. I've also come to expect great things of God--because He is always doing great things and He's perfectly doing those things in my life and around me. (Seen a sunset lately or a newborn filly? Or have you experienced peace and joy when it makes absolutely zero sense?) Indeed, I can expect these sorts of blessings from an awesome Creator Who has saved me and I can be content with all that He has blessed me with, but I should never cease to praise and thank Him for what He has given me. Neither should I cease thanking God for my husband. For sparing his life on Thursday when he fell. For walking with him through the surgery and hospital stay and for walking with us into this battle called recovery and rehabilitation and change. I'm also working on demonstrating and expressing my thankfulness to my dear husband even today.
Let us be content today in what the Lord gives us--be it the blessing of trial or the blessing of excitement and fun. And let us thank Him continually for all of it.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV
Here is the song the Lord put in my heart and mind last night!
(All Scripture quoted from the English Standard Version)